CAST: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe
RUNNING TIME: 121 minutes
The 40-year journey of Marvel Comics' "Spider-Man" to the big screen is a twisted, meandering saga filled with so many contradictory claims But, finally, here it is, and it was worth the wait. As a special-effects particularly impressive.
Adapted by David Koepp (using an extended treatment by James Cameron), the film spends the first of its two hours establishing the character of meek teenager Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire), who acquires certain super powers after being bitten by a spider one day on a field trip.
At the same time, it tells the story of industrialist Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe), a kind of corporate Dr. Jekyll who tests a chemical portion on himself that turns him into Spider-Man's nemesis, a super-powered Mr. Hyde the press dubs "the Green Goblin."
The two stories intersect -- and the stage is set for an eventual super-showdown -- when Parker and Osborn's troubled son (James Franco) become best friends, roommates and rivals for the affections of their beautiful high-school classmate (Kirsten Dunst).