As part of her Garibi Hatao campaign for the 1971 Lok Sabha polls, Mrs Gandhi had promised roti, kapda and makaan to every poor Indian, a slogan that won her a famous
election victory but this slogan needs a change in modern India, it should be Roti, kapda, makaan & mobile. Apart from basic needs like roti kapada and makaan, mobile became essential and basic need in every once life. Every one from house maid, rickshaw puller, taxi drivers, office boys etc, from common man to elite people are using mobile phone for communication. The cost of mobile starts from modest Rs 3000 to billions (platinum and diamondstudded).

Communication among people is most important. With the invention of telephone, people used to talk and communicate to long distances. With advent of mobile phone the entire concept of communication is completely changed. The world became one. Earlier mobile phone was luxury and now it is necessity. According to survey nearly 30 crores of people are using mobile phone. It is estimated by 2010 nearly 25 crores of people use mobile phones having internet and camera facility. The largest mobile users in the world is China, next comes to India. The market share of Nokia is 52.8%, followed by 10.2% LG and 8.3 % Samsung.
According to Ravindra H Dholakia “Things started changing rapidly from the eighties with decontrol and deregulation of the economy. Indian consumers started realizing more and more value for their money as economic reforms progressed and goods and services of greater variety and better quality became available in the market. Freer and newer markets established consumer sovereignty; incomes and production started rising rapidly and absolute poverty began to decline. Consumer spending on basics fell to 73% in 1991, 62% in 2001, and 55% in 2008, making more room for spending on comforts and luxuries. Transport, communication, education, recreation, and personal and business services that accounted for 15% of consumer spending in 1981 rose sharply to more than 35% in 2008. This shows the rise in the value for consumers' money in effective terms. Moreover, household savings in GDP also sharply rose to about 12% in 2008, while basic necessities accounted for only 30%. Financial assets like net deposits, shares, debentures, life insurance, and provident and pension funds that constituted hardly 11% of household savings in 1951 now account for more than 43% in 2008. Concern and provision for future consumption is also showing a sharp increase”
Country will have 3000 million mobiles by 2010. Every individual is having more purchasing power and spending more money on mobiles and other consumable items. The consumer is adding lot of E- waste to the planet. Consumerism is harming environment. Mobile became essential part of life like roti kapada, and makaan.The new slogan ROTI KAPADA, MAKAAN AND MOBILE is appropriate to modern man.